Robert Hirsch
3 min readSep 22, 2021


1) both viet nam and china have had more rapid economic growth than the us

So what? That is because they opened their markets and stole from present and future generations to build tremendous infrastructure. not nationalized their services

China growth has been decelerating for a while.

Further, Russia did the same thing, before it fell apart. Its ottally possible to borrow and steal or make GDP numbers rise. Its all temporary.

Furhter, why would you use one of the most totalitarian govenrments on the planet as support for your idea as well as a small country with apopualtion smaller than 2 large US states? Why dont you mention North Korea, everything Socialized! Why not most latin merican countries? Why not african countries?

2) us military stats. Again, so what? Where in my response did I support the american military? In fact, the military is a nationalized service! You should love this. Why arent you, with what rational brain you have, witnessing that this is what happens when you centralize power. They spend it in places that you do not support. This was exactly my point. You dont want this expense, but you fully support, even desire the mechnaism by which this happens. Nationalization of anything grants power to people who do not care about you.

3)capitalism causes war. capitalism does no such thing.

The US barely has capitalism any more, so blaming the US's failing on capitlaism is just silly. Everything is regulated. The more regulated, the worse it is and the more expensive it is. Education, medicine, banking, housing, etc. The more controlled, the worse for people.

You dont even need a government for capitalism. I suspect you dont know what it is, or are using a ridiculous communist definition of capitalism, because you cant think of a system by which markets dont get controlled by a central authority. This is a result of your simplistic worldview that a central authority should control things. You are confusing socialist style central control over markets... with capitalism. In capitalism, there would not be a govenrment deciding which military contractor gets 20 bilion dollars to make failing planes, or which countries to invade in order to benefit our oil companies. In capitalism, there is not a government getting in the way of new treatments and services that help people, or gatekeeping and creating monopolies via licensing and intellectual property. Anything that includes ANY of that, is not capitalism, its what you like, central control over a market. You look at capitalism, then conflate a cronyist, corporatist economy as capitalism. Its the centralization of services.. sorry, you call it nationalization of services that causes this. Governments produce war, centralziation of control produces war, warmongers that you want to put in power, produce war. People's ability to own trade and share goods and services, doesnt produce war (althought there is competition in resources, which shoudl show up in price, but nationaliztion removes price signals, so people can't make smart choices )

If you want to remove lobbyists and career politicians , then why in the world would you endorse concentrating power and money into nationalized services that attract psychopaths who work to benefit themselves and their clans and not you or anyone else?



Robert Hirsch
Robert Hirsch

Written by Robert Hirsch

Author, Maker, Father, Dreamer. Robert received his Ph.D. from RPI in Mechatronics. Since then, consumer devices, renewable energy, and now blockchain.

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