Actually capitalism is the solution to this problem. The issue is government. There is no solution to the climate issue that starts with "the governent must..."
Psychopaths in charg of countries have been playing both sides of the game in order to advance their own power.
example: How much does gas actually cost? Do you know? No? no one does. If we remove the exploration subsidies,the research subsidies, the imminent domain takeover of peoples property to make long straight pipelines, etc etc etc... do you think gas would actually cost as LITTLE as $5.00/gal?
What about the market side? Would we have as many cars on the road if the government didnt make 12 lane interstate highways?
You can see it with water too. In CA they diverted rivers, and subsidized water extractnio from acuifers. Not the aquifers are dry as is the river to support the famring industry to grow things in a desert. Would any of that have bene possible without the govt intervening? would anyway have done those things on their own dime?
Government causes climate change. Thats the problem. Moving towards actual capitalism, that DOESNT require a government as a third party overseer, would course correct faster than any government program.