Going through this post as a python beginner (but C expert). Use my comments or don’t, up to you of course.
I think a little text and some output between steps on slicing and reversing strings would be helpful
Im uncertain what Regex is or why I might use it. So “via Regex” is meaningless. One clarification sentence would help.
Pickling, you mention it, but don’t show an example of how to do it.
Finding length of string, should be located with string stuff
THe part about optional arguments could you an example of how you work it within a function.
I don’t know what this means
If you want to use C module then you can use PyImport_ImportModule
This could use a little more explanation.
Use import over from if we want to use the same name defined in two different modules.
Your first example has a condition “if a=b” shouldn’t it be ==?
when you have a conditional in the else, you have a single ‘=‘ again.
You used collections previously when talking about FOR.. IN, but talk about collections after. Reverse order would have been less confusing.
compilation and linking need examples of how and when.
Iterators needs examples for each one with outputs
in try/except/else you say “do something” instead of themore commonly (and previously) use DoSomething()
I have no idea what a decorator is or why I would use it