" I don’t get the far right hysteria on this"
I dont know who you are refering to here as centralization is not a far right talking point, they love it too for police and military and control of the currency.
The "hysteria" on this has completely shown itself to be 100% justified. We now have a surveilance satate, we have no ramifications for killing American citizens without a trial, we have internment camps, a broke SS system preposterously in debt, a failed public education system, and plenty of money apparently for the strongest military the planet has ever seen. Social security is is just one of many problem as it has shown itself to be a ponzi scheme from almost day 1. When the government is placed in charge of more and more of the social and cultural needs, it attracts psychopaths and morons who want to be in control of it.
You point to the Nordic model without mentioning that versions of this model are employed in Hungary, Venezuela, Turkey. The only reason it has maintained some form of stability is that each Nordic country is extremely small and work hard to limit immigration (and when they let up on that, social and financial chaos ensues). They are less than the size of most of our states.
Yes, I would agree, that version of a nordic model could work at the state level (and only states without large in-state cultural, economic and social differences), but a 300 million person country all at once? Preposterous.
"We have had very successful social programs in the past. Frankly, with so many people suffering, it’s time for more."
Those "successful programs" just put the cost onto the grand children of the beneficiaries of those programs reaping increased debt and poverty whenever times get tough. It's time to end them and never do that again.
"The previous Great Depression lasted a decade with no end in sight until the New Deal started to turn things around"
This is 100% counter factual. The entire roaring 20's and great depression were a pump and dump scheme caused by the government (perhaps not intentionally) and had already started turning around before the New Deal. If anything the New Deal extended the suffering, even into today.
I realize my last claim goes against conventional teaching. Think about how our education is funded and you may see why. Here are some resources to help with this. Or just look at any GDP graph from 1920-1940, you can see the GDP stop its rapid fall a year before any New Deal programs took effect.
An essay:
(NRA in that essay is National Recovery Administration, not the gun nuts)