I find it fascinating how you simply don’t grasp the fundamentals of a free market and thus rail against it. It has blinded you so badly you dont even realize that we have moved out of crypto winter already. Your blindness to it prevents you from see that we WANT bubbles to pop. They are supposed to pop so that the good projects have a clearer path. Otherwise, with your way, we get awful concepts like “too big to fail” or ponzi schemes like Social Security. The crypto bubble was not only predicted, but is natural for any new thing with myriads of applications. We WANT people to invest in these things so the applications come alive. Why isnt your article about how it was one of the shortest, least damaging economic cycles known to man merely becuase it worked as it should and wasn’t mired in government glue.
To visualize the size of the bubble you need only google yourself around for 30 seconds (something tyou clearly failed to do) Here are the relative impacts of bubbles bursting
What the biggest most dangerous bubble? Your bubble, the one where governments pay for things they can not afford for decades. The housing bubble. The tuition bubble. Heck even the stock market bubble of 1929 was caused by government intervention. Even the tulip bubble was burst by the government, causing an insane amount of damage.