I like most of your writing, but I have learned that when you use the word "capitalism" it's going to be a misguided mess because you keep conflating cronyism and neoconservatism with capitalism. Once you mix government with capitalism, you dont have capitalism, you have a bunch of psychos who think they get pick and choose who gets to have the freedom to use their money. This is, quite literally, not different than having a the monopoly of spending on things that socialism provides. Functionally not different even a little bit. This is your version of capitlaism, the one where a government picks and chooses who gets to have tax writeoffs, who gets grants, and aligns customers for one business over another IS socialism or its close cousin, fascism. Neocons are socialists for this exact reason.
Meanwhile capitalism does in fact, come through with the very things you pretend it doesnt. When deforestation wiped out trees becuase of wood heating, coal and oil heating worked to save them. When coal and oil is ruining the environment, nukes, solar and wind are working to save them. The ONLY thing stopping their progress is governments funding oil companies and denying the spread of modern nukes. Capitalism, when it can do an end run around government or in cooperation with governments the open their markets, lifts the extremely poor (by 90% in the last 100 years).In each case, the issue is that the government, the very body you think will fix this, is the thing that makes it worse every time. Socialists just think "If only we had the right people, in the right positions, doing the right things at the right time, this would all be better". This is never true, all you get is a power centers the psychos try to grab.
Unions exist is a capitalistic economy. Once you can wrap your head around this fact, then I will agree you are using the word "capitalism" correctly. But when the government is used to prevent competition, and to support a business when they do not want to have unions via police, via tax breaks, via liability reduction, then we are no longer in the territory of capitalism.
You have been writing a long time, you should know this by now.