" If Bradken complies with all of the deferred prosecution agreement’s requirements, the government will dismiss the charge after three years. "
Wait, so... a company defrauds a centralized government, who grants them a near monopoly on a specific type of steel, and can have all charges dropped if they play nice-nice..... and capitalism is a problem?
You have confused capitalism and greed. Greded exists everywhere and only capitalism most efficiently accounts for it.
The capitalist approach would have been to buy steel from anyone who can make it, never get into multiyear contracts, and to certify products from one of a multiude of steel certification agencies whose only job is to maintain good data. Then everyone's greed works toward providing better products at lower prices.
it's only where capitalism is prevented that greed can do this kind of damage, and the purveyors of fraud or negligence can get off scot free.