Interesting, here is another point of view: Everyone who says “Eat the Rich” should be eaten, it would be better for everyone.
Why is it not ok for a few people to have extra money, when the government itself has WAY more than any of them? Why is it bad that billionairres have influence when we have a system that grants them influence with the govenrment. There are people in the government that literally peddle the influence.
Why are bad billionaires scary and not bad politicians who do the actual wielding of power because they have granted themselves the “right” to murder, kidnap and imprison, rights that no billionaire has.
What is the primary way these Billionaires are attaining their billions? Through the government controlled banking system, the war economy, government granted monopolies like patents and trademarks, “privatization” (which simply means “has been granted a monopoly, instead of what it is supposed to mean).
These people want to use the government tool to fix equality? Insane. They need to FIX or emasculate the government tool so that a select group of feel the full risk involved in their choices, they need to have to serve customers and not a single customer that (doesn’t) represent the population.
The american society has been sliding into helplessness. They have come to this bizarre idea that things can be fixed with a bigger and bigger government that weilds more and more power. Want less billionaires? Start with less government. Want less pollution? Start with less government that funds roads, oil subsidies, and is itself the largest polluter on the planet. Want more equality? Then stop asking the government to fund things that cause inequality. Decentralize and localize. Lets see how many customers Bayer and Monsanto and Exxon Mobile actually have, lets see what the prices actually are when a tiny few people in the government no longer can coddle them to their wealth.
Why would a would be Billionaire stay in the US to be eaten?