Looks like you have gotten a lot of cogent responses. I'll reitereate the following so that you see it’s not just one person saying things.
1) If you want mass appeal, keep your particular version of your particular god out of it. People who are already sharing your belief won’t be swayed more by your inclusion of it, and those who don't will raise a red flag. If you have good arguments to make, make them.
2) You left out agriculture. It’s important, because almost all of your solutions are impediments to residents, and frankly if you said "no one can use any water at home" the problem would be unchanged.
But here is where I strongly disagree with everyone below. California has been putting their ag on a pedestal, and coddling them for so long that yeah, a large variety of food comes from growing oranges, almonds and veggies in a freaking desert. Let them experience the actual cost of the water they are using, same for semiconductors and all industry. Prices will rise, and consumers will get their food from other places.
The worst thing CA did was to remove the price signals from their produce (via essentially free water), and now this is the result. If a store offers iphones for free, the inventory goes to zero. This isn't advanced econ, it’s 100% expected. Let the food markets move out of CA by way of exposing consumers to the actual costs of the food production. CA will no longer out compete other states, more money will flow to other state (or countries), the consumers are better off. and bonus: more water for CA and the west.
Everyone below pointing out about CA ag, must have also been a supporter of "too big to fail"