Thats right, if there are problems that best thing to do is to shoot someone who has no control of the systemic issues created by the very people who whine about it the most. Hoorah! Lets celebrate murder as long as the person represents a stereotype in your head, then its good.
leftists like to create giant power centers where power is imparted among a giant hierarchy of unelected drones. This creates a scenario that has been brought out for centuries where psychopaths move in powerful positions within and make life easy for their rich friends.
Even without direct relationships, because “progressives” want central control over everything all rich people and corporations have to do is send lobbyists there to throw money around, show politicians a good time to grt them to vote fir the bills they themselves wrote for them.
When this system progressives desire creates the inevitable society and someone they don’t like takes those reigns, they scream scream and while and suggest shooting people is the right answer.
A system that grants the right kind of person, who shows up at the right time, to do the right things will attracts the wrong kind if person, at the wrong time who will do the wrong things.
So shoot that person?
How about, instead, whenever you think “the government should…” you stop yourself right there …. because you are the problem.